If you have ever had sciatic nerve pain, you know how debilitating it can be. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, so the pain caused by the pinching of this nerve is like no other. Often caused by a herniated disk or a narrowing of the spine, pressure is put on the sciatic nerve. This pressure results in pain shooting down the sciatic nerve and can go from the lower back, through the buttocks, down the leg and all the way into the foot.
Sciatica refers to the condition of this nerve pain and can sometimes feel like a helpless situation.
Physical therapy provides hope as well as a solution to nerve pain.
Peak Physical Therapy can help diagnose the cause of your sciatic nerve pain. Skilled physical therapists will evaluate you to determine exactly where and why your sciatic nerve is being pinched, creating an individual program to handle your specific needs in relieving you of your pain.
Physical Therapy helps sciatica by reducing those things causing the mechanical stresses to the nerve and adjacent structures, by reducing inflammation and restoring lost mobility and function.
You will also be instructed in a specific preventative program for your specific issues that will have the intention to stop this from returning in the future.
Peak Physical Therapy can help you with a long-term solution to your sciatic nerve pain. Please call us to schedule an appointment: 918-876-3898. We offer prompt scheduling for initial appointments and we have extended clinic hours to accommodate busy schedules.